Friday, July 25, 2008

Like Mother Like Daughter

I just had to post this real quick I thought my mom might get a good chuckle out of this! :) This morning I caught Sophia trying to put on her new shoes and to my surprise to got one was on the wrong foot though! She was so proud of herself she walked around all over the house with that one shoe on. If I had a scanner I would post the pic of me when I was a child with both of my shoes on...but on the wrong feet. :) But for now here is Sophia:

Here is Sophia concentrating really hard.

Here she is with it on..please ignore my toe on one side and the camera strap on the other. :)

Her Nanny comes on Monday so we are busy busy cleaning and trying to get things in order. If you could see our house you would probably ask us what have you done?! It seems we clean one thing and then it is messed up the next day. Sophia's things especially..but I guess that is to be expected. :) I hope you all have a good weekend I'm going consigning and hoping to get a good loot of clothes for Sophia this winter. :)

Friday, July 18, 2008

19 Months

Sophia is officially 19 months old today! I can't believe it. I don't know about you but this last month seems to have flown by. Sophia and I have still been going to the park a lot and meeting up with friends. We met Emorie and Isabella at the Senoia Park on Tuesday and they had a great time together. It is the first time I have seen Sophia play chase with another child. They played really well together. Afterward we went the Senoia Coffee Company to get lunch and the ladies that work there are always so good to the girls. We had a delicious lunch I recommend the Caesar Wrap if you ever go YUM! :) Then Ms. Jean brought out a cookie for the girls to share...Izzy ate her half Sophia had two bites of hers and then decided the chime that hangs from the door was a lot more interesting. :)

I'm thinking of joining the Moms Club of Sharpsburg. It is mostly a group of stay at home moms that get together and do activities with the kids. They go to the park together, go on field trips like the zoo, and have play groups. It sounded like fun and I thought it might give Sophia and I an opportunity to meet other moms and children. Well I met with a group of them on Thursday to go walking. They were all really nice and I got along with them really well. So I think I might join. I'm suppose to meet with them again on Monday to go walking. If any of you in the Sharpsburg/Senoia area are interested I can send you the information.

Today we met up with Kandis and Reagan. We all went to the Carl Miller Park in Newnan. It is a really nice park that has a play castle for the older kids, walking trails, and a smaller playground for the small kiddos. They also have this area that sprays water up out of the ground and the kids can run through it and get all wet. That is the area we went to today. Sophia loved it but she wasn't sure about it at first. I walked her out to the water and once she started getting wet she loved it. She especially loved watching the older kids run around and play. She laughed and had a good time. There was a button you had to push to get the water to continue to spray and I think that was her favorite part. She watched the other kids do it a few times and then decided she wanted to try. We stayed there for a good hour, had a snack (thanks for sharing your crackers Reagan), and then came home to have lunch and a much needed nap. :) It has been a nice 19 month birthday. :) Just so you know I did have her shoes off the majority of the time but she wanted to go on the playground behind us so I put them on and then she decided she wanted to be in the water more and I couldn't be bothered to take them off again. That is why she is in the shoe gap. :) Hope you are all having a great summer! Here are some pics from this morning.

Sophia trying to catch the water

Sophia doing her favorite thing...pushing buttons! :)

Pure Joy

More playing in the water

Time to go!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

4th of July Pics

I love pictures so much I couldn't fit them all into one post so here are some more. :)

I just thought this was cute of Sophia kissing Tigger and Pooh. :)

Waiting on the parade...very patiently.

Playing with daddies ears...I guess they were more fun than the float going by. :)

Watching the parade with mommy.

Our church's float.

Busy Summer

We have had a pretty busy summer this year. I've been taking Sophia to storytime at the PTC library and some of our friends from church have started joining us. It is a lot of fun and gives Sophia a chance to interact with other children. I think she enjoys the stories as well. :) We have also been meeting some friends at the PTC park and although it has been very hot the kids have really enjoyed themselves. We usually try to take some bread to feed the ducks while we are there. I should have had my camera ready last week Sophia went running straight for the ducks and scared the all away. I hope the people trying to feed them weren't to upset. :) Phil and I have also managed to take Sophia to our neighbor's swimming pool a couple of times. She enjoys it but really prefers to be in her float. She isn't to sure about just being held and whirled around in the water. We are suppose to go to the movies again with some friends and then I'm taking Sophia to see a magician at the Senoia library. So we are keeping busy and trying to stay cool. :)

The 4th of July was a lot of fun! It was just Phil, Sophia and myself that day. Phil and I decided to take her to the parade this year and I'm glad we did. She really enjoyed it. There were so many different floats this year. Her favorites though were the horses that walked by and a big balloon of an elephant. :) It was a really long parade so we stayed long enough to see our church's float and then left after that. Sophia has figured out how to tell us she is ready to go home..she says something like bye bye we know she is ready to hit the road. :)

My mother-in-law is going to be here in a couple of weeks so I'm really excited about that. Phil and I are hoping to squeeze a few date nights in but it is just going to be really nice to see her. The last time she saw Sophia she was 4 months old so Sophia is going to look a lot different. :)
Here a few pictures from the last few weeks enjoy!

Sophia at the park riding the elephant. I love the top she has on thank you Renee! :)

Running like the wind!

Getting ready to go to the pool. Cute bathing suit Aunt Lisa sent her. :)

Swimming with Daddy.

Feeling a bit safer in her ladybug float. :)