Saturday, May 23, 2009

Our New Ride!

Here is our new set of wheels:

Sophia testing out the steering wheel. :)

We have been hoping that they would deliver it before Memorial Day because we wanted to be able to drive it downtown and to the fireworks. But it looks as though it is going to rain all day Monday. We will definitely be using it a lot though especially to take Sophia to the pond across town to feed the ducks...that was one long walk. We have had a great time with it already today and Sophia has had her first driving lesson. :)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Hooray Watermelon!!

Well it is finally that time of year again...time for WATERMELON!! :) Sophia loved watermelon last year. She would eat it everyday unless I ran out and then she would cry for it. I got some at the grocery store last Monday and just broke it out yesterday Thursday because she has been on a blueberry and yogurt kick. As soon as she saw it though she yelled HOORAY! which is her new thing whenever she really really likes something. She will yell hooray groceries when we pull up to the grocery store...I don't think she really likes the shopping she just knows they hand out cookies at the bakery. :) She also yells hooray when we pull into the church parking lot...again I hope she really likes church she seems to when we are there but after she yells hooray when we pull up it is quickly followed by man...I wanna see man....she is referring to the candy man who hands out candy to the kids after service. :)

Anyway I digress...she is in love with watermelon again and had some this morning with her breakfast. Here are a few pics from last night that I thought were funny. She is squinting in some of them because the flash kept going off and she thought it was funny. :)

Check out the painted fingernails...she actually asked me to paint them for her. :)

Phil thought the face she is making was funny. That was a huge piece of watermelon and she had two. :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Looking Back....

Phil and I have a few things that we have done every year since Sophia has been born such as Pops in the Park, The Senoia Christmas Parade and going to pick Strawberries at Adam's Farm. So I thought it might be fun to look back at some pics of Sophia at Adam's Farm. :)

May 2007-I can't get over how little she looks!

I remember she thought it was fun to chew on the bucket handle....I was trying to persuade her not to do it. :) Can you tell she couldn't sit up yet :)

May 2008-How cute is she here and look how much she had grown!!

May 2009-I love this pic because it looks very similar to the one right above it you can really tell how much she had grown in a year.

Carrying the bucket instead of chewing on it. :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend!

We had a very busy but fun weekend! Saturday morning we had our normal pancake day and then took Sophia to an event called Touch A Truck. I really thought she would enjoy getting to see all the trucks and the lights but she ended up being scared. I think we have warned her so much about holding hands in the parking lot and watching out for cars and trucks that she didn't understand when we just let her roam around. She also got scared when a semi that was part of the event started moving from that point on she wanted either Phil or I to carry her. :) She soon discovered the skateboard ramps though and thought they were GREAT! She ran up and down the small ones and then Phil took her up on one of the larger ones and let her slide down it on her hiney...she thought this was fun and wanted to do it again and again. I was a nervous wreck...this is the child that chipped a tooth and busted her head on in the same week. :) She was fine though and to get her to stop doing it I told her we were going to pick strawberries.

The past two years we have taken to Adam's Farm to pick strawberries. The first year she was a baby and just got toted around. Last year she just ran up and down the rows and tried to eat the strawberries. This year she was all business...she wanted to hold the bucket and really did do a good job getting the strawberries. She had a lot of fun and has been talking about it for the past two days. I think we are going to go back and pick blueberries in June. That is her other favorite fruit. :)

Saturday afternoon after her nap we let her play in the little kiddie pool we had bought for her Friday night. Who knew you could have so much fun in a 5 dollar pool! She splashed and played with toys for a couple of hours. Phil and I lounged on beach towels and put our feet in her pool. We had salsa chicken that night for dinner and just relaxed. It was a really nice day.

Sunday was Mother's Day!! :) Phil and Sophia really made it special for me this year. Sophia brought my present into the bedroom to me and said Happy Mother's Day. It was soooo sweet. They had gotten me a special Mom coffee mug with a quote from proverbs on it and a beautiful rose bush. We went to church and after service they were letting the kids come up and get carnations for their moms. Sophia was about to die to go up there so Phil walked her up and she brought back a flower to me. It was really sweet. :) They also took me out to brunch after church and it was tasty. It was a really nice weekend and can't wait to do it again! I'm trying to get Sophia to say Happy Father's Day now but she is still stuck on Mother's day...which is okay with me. :) I hope all of you other moms out there had a nice day as well!!

Shake your groove thing...shake your groove thing Yay Yay!!

She looks very serious here.

looking at a "tickle bug" that is what she calls them. I read her a Suzy's Zoo book one time and that is what the characters called ladybugs and it has stuck with her. :)

Happy Mother's Day!

Funny Video of Sophia

I take Sophia to a class called Tiny Tunes on Friday mornings. The kids get to play with instruments, sing songs, and dance. It is really a lot of fun and Sophia enjoys it a lot. She likes to get in the center of the circle and show everyone her moves. So here is a video of Sophia dancing Phil and I have laughed and laughed at this. It has her signature dance move in it...she gets down on the floor and lifts one leg up. Not really sure why she started doing it but we think it is really funny. I'm also sorry the video is sideways. I was filming with my camera and forgot you can't rotate video doh! Oh and please ignore my singing and the fact that the video is really shaky. It is very hard to film and participate. :)

Cookout with Friends

We recently went to a cookout over at our friends Karen and Luis's. They have a little girl named Alicia that is about Sophia age. The cookout was a lot of fun it got started a little late though because it decided to rain right when we were going to put the meat on the grill. It was nice getting to hang out with friends though and the girls love each other. They have their own personal language which includes lots of screaming back and forth. :) I always thought it was just Sophia who did this screeching/yelling but I was wrong and she has found someone else to do it with her. The little boy in the beginning is Samuel he is our other friends Julie and John's son.

Gone to Alabama Again!

A couple of weeks ago Sophia and I loaded up into the car and went to visit Emorie, Isabella, and Juju in Alabama again. We met them at a jump place called Frog Legs. Sophia has recently fallen in love with these places she loves to jump in the castle and go down the slides. I love these places too because it gives me somewhere to take Sophia on rainy days and it wears her out so she gets a good nap and I get some good downtime. :)

We stayed at Frog Legs for awhile but there were first and second graders there on a field trip and they were making Emorie and I both nervous. Issy said to me at one point "I'm gettin out of here these people are scaring me." So we loaded the girls up and took them to burger king to get some lunch and to play in their children's area. The girls had a great time together and Emorie and I actually got to have a conversation. :) Here are a few pics from that day...we are suppose to be going down again at the end of May for Issy's b-day party so I should have more pics then. :)

Having a Blast!!

Sophia and Issy were chasing and tickling each other. Sophia did have a wardrobe change if you noticed because her diaper had leaked on the drive from Frog Legs to Burger King. She had so much fun she peed her pants. :)

Not a very good pic but you can see they are having a good time.