Saturday, July 25, 2009

Summertime Fun!

Sorry my blogging has been lacking but I'm trying to get better about posting updates! We have had so much fun this summer and have been very busy. We had a wonderful trip over to Alabama in May to visit with our good friends the Vasquez's. Their little girl Isabella turned 3 and they were having a birthday party for her. I can't believe little Issy is already 3 it seems like yesterday that Emorie was pregnant with her and we were talking about baby names. :) We miss them all very much and try to visit them at least once a month but would like to try to see them more.
Issy had a prince and princess party...This is Sophia doing FABULOUS with Issy's crown on her head. Fabulous is when she puts her hands behind her head and says fabulous...something silly we made up and laughed about so she does it a lot now...I think having the crown helped though. :)

Sophia and her buddy Issy playing.

The birthday girl! Isn't she beautiful!

Wack that pinata Sophia...The adults had to get a knife and cut the pinata open in the end. We would have been there all day and all night if we had let the kids keep going. :)

Yummy cake to finish off the day!

In June we went to visit my family down in St. Marys. My family has a very busy June. We have father's day, my dad's birthday, my brother in laws birthday, and my nephew Hudson's birthday...did I mention they are also all in the same week! :) We go down one weekend in June every year and try to celebrate them all. This year was a lot of fun with Sophia getting older she is able to participate more and stay up late some nights and the consequences aren't as bad. :) My dad and Phil smoked a pork butt one night while we were down there and it was well as the very yummy boiled peanuts my dad made for me. :) Phil hates them he thinks they feel sweaty lol! On this trip we also took Sophia swimming. Last summer she kicked up a big fuss at a friends pool because she wanted to swim by herself but she was only 18 months old. She didn't want to be in her float she didn't want Phil or me to hold her...she just wanted to swim and was very frustrated that she couldn't. So to save ourselves some embarrassment we took her to my parents pool where there was no one else to see if she had a meltdown..but we didn't have to worry she did great! We have been to the pool several more times this summer and she has done better and better. I think it helps that we got her a new floaty it enables her to basically swim by herself which is exactly what she wants. She can swim from the stairs to me and back with this on and I don't worry about her one bit. :)

Josh thinking about going in....the water was pretty cold it kept raining off and on.

Super safe Sophia!! My mom kept laughing because she wanted to be in her float with her life jacket on...crazy kid. :)

My handsome nephews: Harrison, Josh and Hudson

No Sophia hasn't turned into a boy but I don't have a pic of her wearing her swimmy thing so I found this one online. Her is just like this but it is yellow and has a duck face on it instead of whatever this crazy thing is suppose to be. She loves it and it gives her a lot more freedom in the pool.

Towards the end of June it was time for VBS at our church. This was the first time I had taken Sophia she was to little the years before. I tried to take her the first year she was born but that was a big mess and I paid for it later that night. She had a great time and would talk about it all day. The theme was climbing faith mountain and they would have the assistant youth minister come out dressed as a mountain man to talk to the kids. She wasn't really scared of him but she didn't really want him to get near her either. :) She called him the cowboy and would ask me on the way home where the cowboy went. She learned a lot of new bible songs during that week and we now have to sing them on rotation. That is fine with me I'm glad she enjoys going to church and she seems to look forward to Sundays so she can see Ms. Anita, Ms. Carolyn and all her friends. I've also started letting her sit in what I call "Big Church" which means she gets to sit with me instead of going to the nursery. She seems to like it and has done really well although last week she discovered that the pews don't go all the way down to the floor and I thought for a minute there she was going to start crawling underneath them. I went ahead and took her out during the last song. :)
Two cuties waiting on class to start...

They love anything that involves glue so this project was a hit. They were sticking cotton balls onto sheep. Thanks Mrs. Carolyn you did a great job!!!

We didn't do a whole lot for the 4th this year. We tried to go to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens but we forgot about the Peachtree Road Race they have every year and the road we needed to get down to was closed off...and try as we might we couldn't find a way around it or anywhere to park and walk. We couldn't even find anywhere that was open to eat and ended up eating at McDonald's on the way home. :( We can laugh about it now but it was terribly frustrating the day of. That following week I took Sophia to the Newnan Utilities Park to meet up with Kandis and Reagan. We took them last year and they loved seems to be turning into a tradition. :) Sophia loved it just as much this year. I told her we were going to go play in the sprinklers and she called them sprinkles for the rest of the day. :)

Phil has now had two weeks off and we have really enjoyed having some time together. He has built a pergola for our back patio and although we don't have anything growing up on it yet it already provides much needed shade. He has hung Christmas lights up on it too so it is really pretty at night. We are hoping to buy some confederate jasmine here in the next couple of days to put in pots so we can train it up the side of the pergola. I took Sophia to The Rock Ranch one day while Phil was off so he could get some work done without being interrupted by his little helper. :) We went with my friend Kandis and her little girl Reagan. We had a great time but it seems that neither one of us can read the small print because they were closed the Monday that we went. Turns out they are only open Tues-Saturday! The people that work there are really nice though and they gave us a tour of the ranch and let us play some and pet the animals in the animal farm. The girls loved it and we had the whole place to ourselves! We are definitely going back in the fall though when all the attractions are running. :)

I thought this was really cool! they connected two goat enclosures with these ramps with the tree house in the middle so they would walk from one side to the other and I saw several asleep on the ramps around lunchtime. :)

These goats were really friendly they were just wanting the girls to give them food...all we had was grass.

Sophia loved this little horse or is it a donkey I'm not sure....that is a cow behind her that I'm sure of.

Some juice?!

Sophia also LOVED these chickens! It was like pulling teeth trying to get her to come look at something else. They weren't as keen on her and while I wasn't looking she put her fingers in the holes and they promptly got pecked. She didn't cry much and went straight back over there.

This is a horse...I'm sure! :)

The "Corn House" This thing was awesome...who knew corn could be soooo relaxing. We spent a long time just lounging in there and shoving our feet into the cold corn. We all ended up with pants full of corn though. I changed Sophia's diaper when we left and corn just fell out!

I wonder what she is thinking about....

This slide was so much fun it went underground and you got to ride down on potato sacks so it made it really fast.

The beginning.....

The finished product...we have really enjoyed Phil's pergola. Sophia has enjoyed getting to eat breakfast outside. :)

I've taken Sophia to several play dates this summer but here are some pics from the most recent one. We went over to my friend Karen's house she has a little girl named Alicia and my other friend Maria and her little girl Taylor were also over. We let the girls play in the pool while we sat and chatted and took pics. It was a really nice day and the girls like to play together.
Clockwise from L to R:Alicia, Sophia, Taylor

Having a little snack after swimming. Taylor looks like she is checking out her polish. :)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Sophia Says....

Sophia has some really cute things she says lately so I thought I would try to write some of them down and hopefully can remember to add to the list. :)

I recently painted and got new towels for Sophia's bathroom. When I showed it to her she said "ahh mommy it so beautiful!" The next morning Phil got her up and he said she looked at the bathroom again and said "It so pretty" and when I came out she told me "Good job mommy" we got a good chuckle out of that one. :)

Sophia talks to herself a lot in her crib usually when she has just woken up or is trying to get to sleep. The other morning she woke up and called "Daddy" I guess she thought he must have gone to work because I heard her whisper to herself "no I call mommy...MOMMY!" That definitely got us up.

Phil recently bought a bike horn to put on our golf cart..he drove Sophia around honking the new horn and she looked up at him and said "Daddy that silly" and went back to coloring her paper. :) You know your really silly when your two year old tells you what your doing is silly. :)

I have more but Sophia is awake and needing attention...hopefully I can remember more.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Memorial Day

Okay I hadn't realized I haven't posted in a really loooooong time! I totally skipped Memorial Day and went on to Father's Day whoops! So here is what I can remember of Memorial Day. :)

It was the first time we got to ride the golf cart into town and it was a lot of fun. So much easier than walking or driving our car around and parking somewhere else. It was a little rainy that day but there still a lot of people out. They of course had the show chickens again this year and Sophia loved them. She stilled there and said cock a doodle doo!!! They had the children's area again and last year Sophia loved riding the horse so I thought she would love it again this year...oh no I was wrong all of a sudden she is scared of them. She finally got on once she saw another boy riding the pony. She didn't stay on long a toy train caught her eye and we were off again. :) From what I heard the parade was a HUGE success!! We didn't get to go again this year because it is always at 2 and Sophia's nap starts at that time. Those who have children or have had children understand why we don't miss naps! We pay for it later and I didn't think it was worth it this year. :) We had planned to take Sophia to the fireworks though but skipped it because our friends Emorie and Fernando were coming up to Atlanta and we wanted to have dinner with them. It was great getting to see them and spend time with them. They are living in Alabama now so we don't get to see them as often as we would like. Well by the time we got home it was just getting dark..and what would you know we could see the fireworks from our front yard!! Sophia thought they were great and kept saying "red birthday" "green birthday" She thought they were fireworks for Issy's birthday because we had been talking about it that night. :) It was a really really fun day and I always enjoy the festivities that Senoia has! Here are a few pics from that day sorry about the delay. :)

Getting ready to go...she was waiting for us in the garage. :)

Cotton candy face! She had her first taste of cotton candy that day! She loved it as you can tell from the blue smudges around her mouth. She also looks a bit tired in this pic good thing we were on our way home. :)

Daddy's Helper and Mommies Little Priss

Sophia has turned out to be a very good helper in the backyard! She really likes to help daddy water the new plants.

This of course is hard work so she always needs to take a drink of water before moving on to...

Sweeping the steps...she is very meticulous about getting every leaf off the steps just like daddy does.

She also helps with the mowing. We of course can't mow the grass without our Dora shades..gotta protect our eyes right. :)

Whoops! Looks like we ran into technical difficulties here or she just pushed it down the hill which is a favorite game of hers. :)

Here she is being mommies little priss! I came out of the bedroom one morning and caught her doing this. She loves my high heels and struts around the house wearing them. :)