Monday, November 30, 2009

Join Me on My Journey!

I've been trying to lose weight for the past three years. Since Sophia has been born this has been a much harder task than before. I love her very much and like dedicating most of my time to her but that also means less time for myself. I've been mildly successful recently in that I have lost fifteen pounds and have managed to keep it off. I still struggle daily though and go on and off watching what I eat.

So I'm going to start dedicating a small part of this blog to my weight loss journey. I'm hoping that by blogging about it that I will stay motivated and accountable to other people. I'm not going to tell you my weight..but I will tell you that I hope to lose ten pounds by the end of December. I think this is a manageable goal. It adds up to a loss of two pounds per week. Since I'm starting this on a Tuesday I will write in then and tell you how much I have lost for that week. I'm planning on using the Weight Watchers plan. I've done it before and it works as long as you follow it. :) I will also try and write about what I eat and if I find anything good at the grocery store worth trying.

For this first week I'm hoping to lose two pounds by next Tuesday. It may be a little difficult as we have both my birthday and Sophia's birthday party. :) I've also already found a couple of good finds! If you don't get the hungry girl newsletter .you definitely should! The address is She has some great recipes and always has great recommendations for the grocery store. One of hers this week was the Jello Mouse chocolate puddings. They are fabulous and are only one point per pudding!! She also recommended bagel-fuls. I haven't tasted them yet but they look yummy! They are 4 points for one.

Now here is my completely horrible before pictures. :) I'm hoping to not look so bad in a few more weeks.

1 comment:

Amber said...

You can do it!!! Just think, you've already lost 15 so you can loose 10. I'm in the same boat you are. I need to lose these baby pounds. I am trying to stay motivated to loose them now. I know if I wait too long after she's born, I'll never do it. My husband made a promise with me before Olivia was born that he would take her at least one hour a night so I could use that time to workout. So far he's kept that promise. Like you said, it's something I have to do for me. Good luck!!!

Oh, and thank you for your sweet comment the other day. I've been told about that book by several people. I need to go get it.