Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Card Pictures

Last weekend we decided to finally get our holiday cheer in gear and get a photo for our Christmas card this year. Whoa that was a lot of rhyming!

In the perfect world we would have a family photo but that is a little complicated even when setting a timer. So we normally just put Sophia on our card..and lets face it she really is the cutest out of the three of us. :) Here are a few of our favorites:

These next three were suppose to be her 4 year old pictures but they turned out so cute we may use one of them. The lighting that day was great!

So I haven't actually shown you the one we picked you will just have to wait for your card in the mail. :)

1 comment:

Martha said...

Oh the suspense!!! She is so beautiful. She is turning into quite a young lady. I can't believe she is FOUR! Miss you guys!