Monday, January 31, 2011

Playing with Light

Saturday was such a beautiful day that we decided to take a walk into town and to the park.  I decided to take my camera along so I could practice some and try it out with different lighting situations.  Just a note never bring the dog along if you are wanting to play with your camera it is just one more thing to worry about. :)

So here are my first few attempts taken at around 11 o'clock. 

Phil was trying to teach me how to get a flare shot here...while holding the dog leash and a jacket. :) Pretty good first attempt but not great. I still thought it was pretty cute.
Second attempt at flare...better! Her shirt was a little washed out though so we tweaked it a bit in photoshop.
These next ones were when she woke up from her nap...oh how I LOVE late afternoon light!  I thought this one was pretty of her.

Another attempt at the flare but washed her out.  Phil said I needed to turn up the exposure compensation.
This isn't really a great picture but look at the light on her face I just love how it looks so golden at about 5 in the afternoon.
She was very tired of me asking her to sit still and was begging to play hopscotch.  I gave in but I got one of my favorite pics of her that day!

I definitely need to keep practicing but it was a lot of fun trying new didn't hurt the weather was perfect!  I hope you all had a good weekend too!
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