Sunday, May 16, 2010

Touch A Truck

A couple of weekends ago we took Sophia to a local event called Touch A Truck. We tried to take her last year but she was scared to death of get this not the trucks but of walking around in the parking lot. :) Last year I had been working with her about holding hands while in the parking because of the cars driving around. Well it totally freaked her out and we didn't end up staying very long.

This year was a different story. She LOVED getting to see all the different trucks and wanted to climb in a lot of them. She was a bit worried though they were going to start moving but once I explained to her the keys weren't in the ignition she let loose. :) There also happens to be a BMX track across from where they were having the Touch a Truck event. Phil took Sophia over to watch them practice and now she is adament that she wants a bicycle so she can race too. We will see I guess. :)

She thought it was great to honk the horn...and did it several times. :)

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