Thursday, February 28, 2008

Girly Day

The other day when I was in Stride Rite another mom came in with her little girl. The little girl was about the same age as Sophia and had her hair up in little wispy pigtails. I asked the mom how she did it because I would like to try and do Sophia's hair like that. She told me she uses Claire's club clear plastic rubberbands. They are the only ones that will stretch really wide around grownup fingers. So I went next door and got some and here is my first attempt at doing Sophia's hair:

This is what the back looked like:

This one is a little blurry but cute none the less. Check it out she is wearing her new shoes also. Oh yea and I do change my daughters clothes I just realized she is wearing this same outfit in some other pictures I posted on here. I just think this outfit is really cute! :)

My little peanut looks like such a little girl these days. Where has the time gone!


Sheri Ellis said...

Her hair looks so cute!

Lana said...

I love the pigtails!